What places would be best to relocate a trapped rodent?
After everything was said and done, catching the rodent that was running rampant in your house wasn’t as hard as it seemed. All you had to do was set the trap in a place where you knew the rat frequented and filled it with bait, and you returned after a few hours to find the animal safely behind bars. While the bulk of your troubles are over, you’re still far from finished with getting your place rid of the rodent. You can’t just leave it in the cage to starve. Relocating sounds like a good option. But relocate it where exactly?
Some things to keep in mind
Although you may have trapped the rodent with the intention of releasing it away from your house, you may begin to have second thoughts and start thinking that maybe killing it would be less of a hassle. While that may look true at face value, you’re forgetting the fact that you’re still going to have to clean up a corpse after you’re done, a job, if not done responsibly, could come back to haunt you in the form of some VERY dangerous diseases. Therefore, it’s advisable to stick with the relocation plan. Better safe than sorry.
The first step you need to take
Before setting out with the cage or even choosing a place for release, there’s one thing you HAVE to make certain of. You need to close up all entries to your house that allowed the rodent to sneak in the first place. These could be in the form of holes in your roof, cracks in the wall or entries gnawed by rats near the floor. All of these need to be properly sealed so that after you do release the animal, it has no chance of returning inside your house. Even when you’re certain you’ve got all the holes patched up, look again. Who knows, you may have missed a spot.
Choosing a suitable place
The first condition the place you choose for relocation should fulfill is that it’s far from your house, at least a distance of 5 km. Now, ideally, the place should be a habitat where you’re confident the animal could survive on its own finding enough food and water to make by. While caring for the rodent’s survival isn’t your top priority, caring for its future is after all the humane thing to do.
Transporting the rodent and setting it free
If you’re using a car to transport the cage with the rodent in it, it would be a bad idea to start driving without properly securing the cage so it doesn’t move too much during the ride, or else it could spring open and release the agitated animal on you. Once you’re there, carefully release the rodent from the trap, wearing thick gloves to prevent yourself from being bitten by the frightened animal.
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